A CBDA confirmou hoje o nome do segundo atleta que estará inscrito na prova de 100m livre, ao lado de Marcelo Chierighini: será Fernando Ernesto Santos.

Segundo a CBDA, ele venceu o desempate contra Nicolas Oliveira, numa tomada de tempo realizado na tarde desta segunda no Centro de Alto Rendimento de Barcelona.

A comissão técnica não divulgou os tempos. Nicolas representa o Brasil nos 200m livre e nos 4×200 e 4x100m livre.

2 respostas
  1. Alexandre Madsen
    Alexandre Madsen says:

    Não entendo por que tanta revolta por parte do treinador australiano. O Nicolas já disputou inúmeras competições internacionais. Inclusive, foi finalista em Roma 2009. Chegou a vez do Fernando Ernesto Santos!!! Menos, Scott Volkers!!! Menos!!! Take it easy man!!! This is not the Australian Team!!!

  2. manoel
    manoel says:

    \Resposta do Técnico do Minas!\\
    Two athletes have to do a swim off 7 days before the World Championships. One has a coach there and one does not. The day of the swim off changes. The time of the swim off changes several times. The last one to know about this is the athlete with no coach of course. Anyway in the middle of a taper the time trial starts. (Remember this is only for the position in the World Championships after a tie in the National Championships in the event in May.) Off they go……. Very close race. Both athletes were told they did 49.0. The clock did not work……. So the coaches confer. And after being given the same time they said who won.?????????? any guesses for who they said….. Not Nilo. They must have very good eyes. But congrats and best wishes to Fernando. The system fails yet again.

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