Todos os assinantes do serviço de streaming da FINA, a chamada FINATV receberam um email neste 1o de abril com a seguinte mensagem:

Dear Customer

We regret to have to inform you that FINAtv will no longer be active as of 30th April 2021.
Despite this news, rest assured FINA remain absolutely committed to bringing our fans the very best competitions that our Sport has to offer on Digital as well as with our brilliant Broadcast partners.

Please visit our website, where we will shortly bring you news on how you can continue to watch FINA competitions online – live and on demand.

For Annual subscribers to FINAtv, you will receive a pro-rata refund for the remaining months of your subscription. Your renewal date can be checked in your account page.

The refund will be provided before the 20th April 2021 on the payment method currently saved in your account page.
For Monthly Subscribers, your payment will be automatically deactivated, and you will not be charged after the 31st March 2021.
In case of any problems or questions, please use our Customer Service Form.


FINA would like to thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to being able to bring you the best of our Aquatics competitions to a device near you very soon!

Customer Service Team

Sem muitos detalhes do que aconteceu, ou o que vem pela frente, mas por enquanto a informação é esta: FINATV acabou (ou faliu?)!

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