Diretor Mickey Halika, diretor de natação da Federação de Natação de Israel, enviou uma nota de protesto a World Aquatics com cópia as Federações Nacionais de Natação do Egito e Tunísia solicitando providências contra os nadadores Ahmed Hafnaoui da Tunísia e Abdul Rahman El-Arbi do Egito. Ambos, segundo Halika estariam postando mensagens nas redes sociais contrárias a Israel e em defesa “dos terroristas” conforme ele menciona no comunicado.

A Federação Israelense enviou as cartas de protesto e aguarda a resposta tanto da World Aquatics como das federações da Tunísia e Egito.

O Blog do Coach já havia postado a respeito das manifestações de ambos nadadores, mas nenhum dos dois faz qualquer defesa ou apologia ao Grupo Hamas, mas somente a Palestina e sua causa.

O comunicado publicado em rede social da Federação de Israel (em inglês):

The director of the swimming association, Mickey Halika, sent letters today to the heads of the world association in which he expressed deep shock at the behavior of two swimmers, one from Egypt and the other from Tunisia, who posted on social networks posts and videos supporting terror. It is the Tokyo 2020 Olympic champion, Ahmed Hafnawi from Tunisia, and the Egyptian Abdul Rahman Al-Arbi.
On the Olympic gold medalist in the 400m freestyle from Tunisia Halika wrote: “I express my deep concern and disappointment regarding this issue of utmost importance to our community and the fairness of sport.” It was brought to my notice that a swimmer identified with the Tunisian Swimming Association uploaded materials on various platforms that support terrorism and extreme ideologies. As a dedicated member and supporter of the World Swimming Association, I believe in values and principles that our organization works on. “Our sport has always been a symbol of unity, devotion and fair competition, and it’s disappointing to see extreme ideologies undermine the reputation of our beloved sport.”
Halika, who sent a similar letter about the Egyptian swimmer, noted that the evidence of the two swimmers’ involvement in promoting terrorism is not only a matter of concern but also a potential threat to the national security of israel and that immediate and decisive action must be taken to investigate these allegations in depth. The chairman of the Israeli Swimming Association demanded the World Swimming Association and the Tunisian and Egyptian Association to open an official investigation and take fast and appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with the regulations and code of conduct of the World Association.
“Terrorism and extremism have no place in our society, on one as much as in sports, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure such actions are investigated.” I trust that the World Swimming Association will handle this issue with utmost seriousness and transparency, expressing the values that our sport represents. I am eagerly waiting for your response and the actions that will be taken to address this urgent problem”, smooth conclusion.
Photo: Gilad Kovalarchik, Swimming Association