FINA Doping Panel Decision – Joao Luiz Gomes Jr (BRA)
On December 4, 2014 the swimmer Joao Luiz Gomes Jr (BRA) was tested positive to the substance Hydrochlorothiazide (Class S.5 Diuretics and Other Masking Agents) with the occasion of the FINA World Swimming Championships in Doha (QAT).

The FINA Doping Panel decided according to the FINA DC Rule 10.4 to impose on the athlete a period of six (6) months’ ineligibility, starting on December 4, 2014 and ending at the conclusion of the June 3, 2015 for his first anti-doping rule violation.

Furthermore, the FINA Doping Panel decided that all results achieved by the swimmer on or after December 4, 2014 shall be annulled together with the consequences thereof (forfeiture of medals/prizes, reimbursement of prize money).

The results of the Brazilian relays obtained during the FINA World Swimming Championships in Doha (QAT) were not cancelled. The motivation of the FINA Doping Panel’s decision will follow in the near future.


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