A FINA anunciou hoje uma nova atualização das decisões contrárias a Rússia e Belarus que já haviam sido adotadas em 8 de março. Na decisão anterior, as duas nações estavam impedidas de receber eventos e iriam participar de eventos internacionais sob a bandeira neutra, sem hino e sem nome.

Na decisão anunciada hoje, a FINA se soma a grande maioria das federações internacionais de esporte banindo os russos e bielorrussos de todas competições durante a temporada de 2022 incluindo aí a disputa do Campeonato Mundial dos Esportes Aquáticos em junho, em Budapeste, na Hungria.

Veja aqui a decisão anunciada (em inglês):

Further to the FINA Bureau’s decision on 8 March 2022 and the new measures at its disposal to exclude Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials from FINA competitions, and following the review of an independent risk assessment, the FINA Bureau met today and confirmed that athletes and officials from Russia and Belarus will not take part in the upcoming 19th FINA World Championships Budapest 2022.
Following these decisions, FINA was informed by the Russian Swimming Federation of the withdrawal of all Russian aquatics athletes from all FINA events for the rest of this year.

FINA also previously removed a number of aquatics events scheduled for Russia. Today, the FINA Bureau also decided to remove the hosting of the FINA Swimming World Championships (25M) 2022 from Kazan (RUS). The scheduled dates of 17-22 December 2022 will be maintained, and FINA is currently in discussions with potential hosts to take over the event.

Separately, the FINA Executive confirmed that the FINA Disciplinary Panel has opened a procedure against Russian swimmer Evgeny Rylov for a potential violation of the FINA rules following his alleged participation in a pro-war rally at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow. The FINA Executive has requested that the Panel’s proceedings be expedited.

FINA maintains its strongest condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. FINA also wishes to reiterate its commitment to supporting the Ukraine Swimming, Diving and Artistic Swimming Federation as they prepare for upcoming competitions.

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