Programação de eliminatórias e finais da natação no Parapan, transmissão ao vivo no SporTV2: (horários de Brasília)

Horario Eventos Atletas
11:00 Women’s 100 m Freestyle S5 (S3-5) EDENIA/ MAYARA/ PATRICIA/ SUSANA/ JOANA/ESTHEFANY
11:13 Men’s 50 m Breaststroke SB2 (SB1-2) BRUNO/ GABRIEL GERALDO
11:24 Men’s 50 m Freestyle S10 PHELIPE
11:30 Women’s 50 m Freestyle S10 MARIANA
11:35 Men’s 100 m Butterfly S14 FELIPE
11:44 Women’s 50 m Freestyle S7 ITALO
11:50 Men’s 100 m Backstroke S13 DOUGLAS
12:09 Women’s 200 m Individual Medley SM11  
12:15 Women’s 100 m Backstroke S13  
Horario Eventos Atletas
19:00 Men’s 400 m Freestyle S9 (S8-9) RUITER/ VANILTON/ LUCAS
19:10 Women’s 400 m Freestyle S9  
19:20 Men’s 100 m Freestyle S5 DANIEL / ERIC
19:28 Women’s 100 m Freestyle S5 (S3-5) EDENIA/ MAYARA/ PATRICIA/ SUSANA/ JOANA/ESTHEFANY
19:38 Men’s 100 m Butterfly S8 GABRIEL CRISTIANO
19:45 Women’s 100 m Butterfly S8 CECILIA
18:01 Men’s 50 m Breaststroke SB2 (SB1-2) BRUNO/ GABRIEL GERALDO
18:09 Men’s 50 m Freestyle S10 PHELIPE
18:15 Women’s 50 m Freestyle S10 MARIANA
18:31 Men’s 50 m Freestyle S7 ITALO
18:47 Men’s 100 m Butterfly S14 FELIPE
18:53 Women’s 100 m Butterfly S14 ANA/ DÉBORA/ BEATRIZ
21:15 Men’s 100 m Backstroke S2 (S1-2)  
21:25 Men’s 100 m Breaststroke SB4 ERIC
21:34 Men’s 200 m Individual Medley SM11 WENDELL/ JOSÉ LUIZ
21:58 Men’s 4×100 medley relay 34 points  
22:08 Women’s 4×100 medley relay 34 points  


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